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This is a story book, inside story of tall tales, bizarre and ridiculous;This is a but hundreds of pages of the book, showing just a little girl a long afternoon to meet a variety of impossible animals and humans;It is also a book even seem very ordinary book in the children's book, all roles in the story are talking, all have their own ideas--and hardly any different than any fairy tale story.From beginning to end, the entire story is strange like that.Alice has been inexplicably larger smaller, that was almost drowned their tears;She saw a lot of animals and a lot of people, trying to talk to them, but they are completely normal, and it is not friendly;She has been kept on asking questions, but – regardless of who gave her a sensible answer, but Alice was still believe!All this makes me so to laugh or cry.When Alice while sleepwalking


This is a story book, the inside of the story is preposterous, quirky and funny; This is a but with more than pages of books, the show is just a little girl in a long afternoon met there can all kinds of animals and men; This is also a even in fairy tale books seem most ordinary book, all the characters in the story can speak, all with their own idea-this and any a fairy tale almost no different than any.From beginning to end, the story is so strange. Alice has been somehow become bigger or smaller that I almost drowned by his own tears; She met a lot of animals and a lot of people, try to talk and talk to them, but they are not completely normal, and it is not friendly; She has not been ?中文:这是一本故事书,里面的故事荒诞不经,离奇而可笑;这是一本不过百余页的书,所展现的仅仅是一个小女孩在一个漫长的下午遇见的各种不可能存在的动物和人;这也是一本即使在童话书中都显得极其普通的书,故事中的所有角色都会说话,都有自己的想法——这与任何一个童话故事相比几乎没有任何不同。





































After reading this article fairy tale, I am Alice is a naive and lively, kind and brave little girl she particularly clever, love your brain. When the queen of hearts call Alice and her playing with balls, she USES a special method with the ball, make the bat with the flamingo, the hedgehog as a ball, has won the queenThrough this matter, as long as you use them, bad things can often become good. Learn also is such, as long as the diligent thinking, can open the door to success!读了这篇童话后,我感到爱丽丝是个天真活泼、勇敢善良的小姑娘,她特别聪明,爱动脑筋.当红心皇后叫爱丽丝和她玩球时,她采用了特殊的玩球方法,用红鹤作球棒,把刺猬当作球,居然赢了皇后 通过这件事说明:只要肯动脑筋,坏事往往能变成好事.学习也是这样,只要勤思考,就能打开成功的大门

爱丽丝梦游仙境 读后感 英文 300词以上

正在使用发音The story depicts Alice in her fantastic dreams, in order to catch a rabbit with a pocket watch, talking, and fell down a rabbit hole, which fell magical underground world. In this world, a drink of water can shrink as the size of a mouse, eat a cake and will become a giant, it seems that all the things are strange to eat, eat, there will be strange things happen. She also met many different people and animal, are: the Dodo lizards Bill, Cheshire cat, the Mad Hatter, the Dormouse, turtle, Eagle head lion, and the ugly duchess. Rabbit hole is another universe. Alice in such a strange world with their own wisdom wits.I think Alice is a strong and optimistic girl, his brave kindness infected me. I wish I could be a brave man like Alice!


《亡灵岛》读后感 Dead Man’s Island Carol was once a happy and sunshiny girl. But after her father died in a plane crash, she became bad and took drugs. She had secrets in her heart and didn’t want others to know them. When Carol went to an island, she found the host had a bigger secret than hers: he had killed a girl in a car crash. So he needed an island to hide himself. This is the story in Dead Man’s Island. I think everybody has done something wrong and wants to keep the secrets in his or her heart. But do you know, even if we can escape from others’ eyes, we can’t escape from our own hearts. When Carol left Dead Man island, I think she knew this all. The host influenced her. Don’t be remorseful any more, face new life, no hiding, no giving up the beautiful life, show the world a real self. Leave Dead Man’s Island, let a bunch of sunshine get into your heart house. 野性的呼唤 My Call of the Wild ------ Enlightenment of The Call of the Wild It tells a story of a gigantic dog, named Buck, who is stolen from a rich and comfortable home and forced to learn to survive as an Alaskan sled dog. Buck, at first, is too savage for the company of man until he coincidently encounters his beloved master-kindhearted John Thornton. Finally, John’s incidental death breaks Buck’s last tie to the man and drives him into his long-desired wild with his pack. In the story, Buck and John simply adopt themselves to answer the call of the wild. When it comes to Buck’s mind that one day he will eventually leave John- his master, all he wants to do is just to help him finish the gold-rush-trip. He from then on, night and day, never put a halt, in desperation, he burst into long stretch of flight, did not to stay him (John)… It is Jack London who plunges me into the animated wild from the hustle-and-bustle and from desperate city. There, I merely cannot deny the attraction of Buck’s bark, which enlightens me to pursue another lost half of the nature in mankind, and to dig out a true meaning of life. Please do not let come true while we are still able to answer the call of the wild. 爱丽丝梦游仙境 This is the perfect book to share with younge children. It may be intended to be read by children but I am in eighth grade and still love it. If you are looking for a funny, entergetic, and family friendly story then you have found one in Alice in Wonderland. I give this classic tail five stars and two thumbs way up. Alice in Wonderland is about a girl that falls in a hole and goes into this magical world. I think Alice in Wonderland is an OK book for my age if you like fantasy books. You may not like it because nothing makes sense. For example, they have a trial where the witnesses don't know about the crime and the Judge says to the jurors, That's important! but the Rabbit corrects him. I think it would have been a better book if I was 7 and my mom was reading it to me right before bed. The only problem with that is that younger kids might not understand much of the vocabulary but they might still enjoy it if you explain the words to them. If you're an adult and want a good book for your 5, 6 or 7 year old, I recommend Alice in Wonderland.记得采纳啊


Story begins with the story of a girl named Alice,and sister in an accident when reading a book into the world.There,she experienced a lot in reality things are not.Talking rabbits,can change into small pills,and the moves of the poker,and when she suddenly woke up after a crisis,they find that this is only a long dream of his own ......Close your books this,rubbed his tired eyes,I fell into silent contemplation.When watching a small,think Alice blessed,you can enter the world of the book,even if it was a dream.Have dreams,Alice's dream has been to fulfill her dreams?Certainly,we do think this book is not simply the dream of her.Initially,Alice has just fallen into the hole,had thought she would cry like a normal girl,like a row,not the idea,but I was wrong,she gave her a strong and optimistic side presented to the reader,Let us know the story of the hero is not a weak timid little girl.The playing cards behind the soldiers and the queen with the exchange in another show of her intelligent and courageous.Alice is a girl showed us her story could not help but to like her to because she experienced many ups and downs,while heart rate more than to escape because of her plight and very happy ......Which is such a girl,I thought myself.I also have their own dreams,has also been indulging in the dream,joy,or cry.More want to get into the book to understand that beyond the general excitement.Used to think that dreams are so far away,because there is always gap between dreams and reality,the dream of paradise in the end how far?I really can go hand touch the place?Thought of this,I do not know when the sky has been covered with the stars,look down their hands have been holding for a long time,Alice in Wonderland on the cover of Alice with a smile and her sister sat under the red maple,Sprinkled with a bright red maple leaves in ......could not help but laugh,and laugh like Alice,she can as brave and optimistic,why do I not?Although distant dream,though not real,but his heart is true,if we really want,nothing will do the same?Again look at the sky,eyes not confused.North of the Big Dipper will change direction with the seasons,while the direction of life will not change with time.Alice has been waking up from a dream,and my dream is just beginning ......






