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Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. It has a population of over twelve hundred million. Beijing is its capital. We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. We have a glorious revolutionary tradition. We drove out all the enemies. In 1949 the People's Republic of China was founded. Since then great changes have taken place in our motherland. Now our country is getting stronger and stronger. We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful country. Children are regarded as “flower of our motherland”. In our country children are taken very good care of. Special laws have been issuedto protect them. Thousands of schools have been set up to make education available to all children. The Party and the government pay special attention to the growth of children because they represent our bright future翻译:爱国就是对祖国的忠诚和热爱。














免费安装生意经 问答详情求一篇关于中国历史名人的英语演讲稿,急用,,谢谢fuwuyouxige2014-01-03 00:060有同感最佳答案kuaifalai的答复:Sima Qian (司马迁)The Han emperor, WuDi, re-established the importance of learning and encouraged the production of new works. As a result, ancient works which had arrived the book burning of the first emperor began to re-appear. Sima Qian took on the task of writing a complete history of China.He became involved in an incident that almost cost his life. he dared to criticize the emperor. The judges sentenced him to death, this sentence was reduced to castration.He was determined to continue his great work. By the end of his life Sima Qian had written 130 chapters of his work Shi Ji(Records of the historian) recording the history of China's first three dynasties. 亲,祝你学业有成,好评





这篇关于端午节的行不行 Duanwu Festival (端午节, Duānwū Jié) is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar. It is also known as the Double Fifth. It has since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of East Asia as well. In the West, it's commonly known as Dragon Boat Festival.  The exact origins of Duan Wu are unclear, but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan of the Warring States Period. He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government. The local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qu's body. They also sat on long, narrow paddle boats called dragon boats, and tried to scare the fish away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking carved dragon head on the boat's prow(船头).  In the early years of the Chinese Republic, Duan Wu was also celebrated as Poets' Day, due to Qu Yuan's status as China's first poet of personal renown(名声名望).  Today, people eat bamboo-wrapped steamed glutinous(粘的) rice dumplings called zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fish) and race dragon boats in memory of Qu's dramatic death.


One World One Dream fully reflects the essence and the universal values of the Olympic spirit -- Unity, Friendship, Progress, Harmony, Participation and Dream. It expresses the common wishes of people all over the world, inspired by the Olympic ideals, to strive for a bright future of Mankind. In spite of the differences in colors, languages and races, we share the charm and joy of the Olympic Games, and together we seek for the ideal of Mankind for peace. We belong to the same world and we share the same aspirations and dreams.“同一个世界 同一个梦想”(One World One Dream),集中体现了的实质和普遍价值观——团结、友谊、进步、和谐、参与和梦想,表达了全世界在的感召下,追求人类美好未来的共同愿望。


Ladies and Gentlemen:My topic is on creating a brilliant Beijing: Time for Action2008 is such a common number, but many Chinese will get excited when they mention it. How can a common number attract such a strange fascination? The answer is simple and obvious: the twenty-ninth Olympic Game will be held in Beijing in the year 2008. At that time, the whole world will focus their attentions on Beijing. As the hostess, Beijing will show her beauty to the guests from all over the world.The Beijing Olympic Games will be a Green Olympic, a high technology Olympic, and a people's Olympic. Among them, a Green Olympic is the most important concept. It will show the world the determination, the ability, and the confidence of the Chinese people and their government to successfully hold a Green Olympic. To achieve such a goal, however, it needs a lot of hard work.As middle school students in Beijing, we should take on more responsibilities for our capital city's environment. Any action we take will affect the appearance of the city. Therefore, we should start with ourselves, act now, and make every possible effort. But how? You may ask.There are a lot of things we can do in our daily lives. We all know the fact thatBeijing is frequently assaulted by sand storms every year. Forests and lands have been degraded by agricultural and industrial activities. To revive those desert lands is beyond our ability, but we can plant trees around our schools or in our neighborhood communities. If everybody does so, there will be a green Beijing and we will have a Green Olympic.I don't know whether you've noticed that some students don't want to walk to school; their parents have to drive them to school every day. But nowadays, the air is polluted with automobile exhausts. What can we do about it? Ride on your bike to school and enjoy exercise! It will not only have significant benefits for your health, but also help improving our environment. In addition, if you don't drive cars, you will not go to the car wash. That will save large amount of water. If everybody does something, there will be a green Beijing and we will have a Green Olympic.Think it over, my friends. The things we can do are definitely not unrealistic. Although we cannot provide with a clean energy source, achieve a better sewage treatment system, or stop any industry from using hazardous chemicals and releasing hazardous wastes, we can save every drop of water and protect every patch of green. Make Beijing a more beautiful city, where green patches are everywhere and blue sky can be seen clearly above our heads.A Green Beijing Olympic is asking for action. Act now.Thank you!行动起来,为北京添彩2008,一个再普通不过的数字,但是,一提到它,会让多少中国人




















(另一篇)I am the part of the Green OlympicsLadies and gentlemen:good morning!Today, my speech is I am the part of the Green Olympics.Green Olympics is one of the Three Themes of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Therefore the Beijing government had made a great effort in order to protect the environment, build more Green project, keep the ecological balance, push the recycling economy, and protect the water resource. But if only the government take the action to realize the Green Olympics in 2008, its not enough. As a Beijing high school student, we should play an active role in the actions aimed at the realization of Green Olympics. So we should start it from ourselves, our family, our friends and other people around us.In 2001, in the Moscow world trade center, when the former chairman of the International Olympic Committee, Samaranch had said: Beijing, China! As a Beijing citizen, as a Chinese, I had a great joy for my city, for my home country from the bottom of my heart! But after the excitement that Beijing had been succeed in the race to host the Olympic Game in 2008. I started to worry about the dusty air, the sandstorm, the polluted rivers and lakes; the streets without any green and whether we could successfully host the Olympic Games in 2008.Four years later, today, we can see 229 day blue sky in one year, we can hardly catch a glimpse of the sandstorm, groups of wild duck comes back to Shishahai Lake in the spring, and all the streets are dressed in green. All these make me deeply believe that Beijing will surely succeed in 2008! And all these achievements are not only the result that made by the Beijing government, but also by the 14 millions Beijing citizens. As one of the 14 millions normal citizens, I am also adding my contribution to our Green Olympic!I used to have a habit, which is to take two longtime showers every day. It was a big waste of water. One day, I saw a piece of news in Beijing Daily that about the lack of the Beijing water resource. Its said every year Beijing use up about 3.7 billions cubic meter of water. But Miyun reservoir only contains 0.77 billions cubic meter of water, and Guanting reservoir only contains 0.19 billion cubic meter of water. This shows we are really short of water now! After reading this news, I start to change my habit, and only take one quick shower each day. I have calculated that if everyone economizes one cubic meter of water during they are taking the shower in a month; the Beijing citizens will economize 14 million cubic meter of water in only one month! In 2004, as the Beijing Irrigation Apartment reported that since 2001 Beijing has succeeded in the application of hosting the Olympic game in 2008. Beijing government had started 26 programs in order to economize the water resource. After 3 years doing this, these programs have saved 0.437 billions cubic meter of water. Its as big as a four-sized Huairou reservoir! And now, in my daily life, in my family, we always think about protecting the environment and saving the resource whenever we doing what. The batteries, the aged newspapers, the empty glass bottles and all the recyclable garbage, we will classify them then put them in different trash cans; we make the most use of the nature light and shut off the electrical light conveniently; and when we shopping, we will bring a nylon bag with us instead of plastic bags; during the feast, I do not send any card in order to protect the forest resource; after washing the clothes, we wont dump the used water but use it to flash the toilet… All in all, we should start from every little thing around us to truly realize the Green Olympic.为四川汶川哀悼作文In the sound of the whistle, the May meeting of rain and tears. This is a sad moment: the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, wives, husbands, lovers, teachers, students, friends, colleagues, neighbours… ... to at 14:28 on May 12 before the dull, busy, hope , Disappointed, sad, happy…… those beutiful days.Today's Wenchuan Festivals, it is only a short farewell. Life, not just breathing and heartbeat. Man's bitterest sorrows are separation and death not the lives of the border. Pro-people did not leave, everything will continue. In the ruins of the baby crying sound, called a Wenchuan new life, born today.在悠远的汽笛声中垂首默立,任5月的雨水和泪水交汇。







汶川地震感想作文 6May 12, 2008, let us all Chinese people always remember this day for it, our national calamity, the history of the Chinese nation, engraved too many disasters, but never the candidate of our national glories , One of the disaster, and again before loading the line, then let us bury the grief of all good, clean up all the ruins, was once their homes on the land, rebuild our homes, to live boldly, to live On a good living.2008年5月12日,让我们所有中华儿女永远记住这一天吧,我们的“国难日”,中华民族的历史本上,铭刻了太多的灾难,但这永远也难掩我们民族的辉煌,一次次的灾难,一次次的负重前行,那么就让我们掩埋好所有的悲痛,清理干净所有的废墟,在曾经是家园的土地上,重建我们的家园,勇敢地活下去,能活,就好好活。

汶川地震感想作文 5Broken heart, tend to become very fragile, post-disaster reconstruction, the firm has become particularly important, three minutes after we wiped away tears, we can not Zaiku, to bravely live, because their relatives in heaven We watched, Tongbuyusheng, sad to tactic is not their wish to see, good to live in, they are to our expectations, think about this, it has the ruins to life for the life of the mother, Dear Baby, if Can you live, to keep in mind that mother love you ; think that in order to save the expense of four children and teachers, we go to these family members, in their own lives to give us an opportunity to a live, To them, we have to live better.破碎的心,往往会变得相当脆弱,灾后重建,坚强就变得尤其重要,三分钟过后,我们要擦干眼泪,我们不能再哭,要勇敢地活下去,因为亲人会在天堂看着我们,痛不欲生、伤心欲诀不是他们想看到的,好地地活下去,是他们对我们的期望,想一想,那废墟中以已命换子命的母亲,“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活下去,要记住,妈妈爱你”;想一想那为了救四个孩子而牺牲了的老师,我们的走了的这些亲人,用自己的生命给我们争来了活的机会,为了他们,我们也要活的更好。

汶川地震感想作文 4The deceased have to, toward the heaven, where there will be no more disasters, there will be no more tears, but for those who survived the disaster in the compatriots, alive to become a challenge, let them in an instant disaster Separated from the experience of life and death, the mother and son have deep moods, once the husband and wife loved each other, but now they had to be parting, the two separated, disaster, not only their physical destruction, destruction of their soul, flesh wounds over time slowly healing, can be the soul of grief, but not so far recovered pieces, post-quake reconstruction of their homes can, we can even build their homes more beautiful, but for us, more important is how to build their own spiritual home, how to ask The soul-deep scars.逝者已去,奔向了天堂,那里不会再有灾难,不会再有泪水,但对于那些在灾难中幸存下来的同胞来说,活着就变成了一种挑战,灾难让他们在瞬间体验了生死离别,曾经的母子情深,曾经的夫妻恩爱,转眼却已阴阳两隔,灾难,不仅摧残了他们的肉体,更摧残了他们的灵魂,肉体的伤口会随着时间而慢慢地愈合,可心灵的伤痛,却远没有那么块痊愈,地震后的家园可以重建,我们甚至可以把家园建设的更加漂亮,但是对于我们来说,更重要的是如何建设自己的精神家园,如何抚平那心灵深处的创伤。

汶川地震感想作文 3We all Chinese people, is a lifelong hard to forget the day, because today is the national crisis, Sadness Wenchuan, the country was sad, we use such a way, to commemorate those in earthquake In the passing away of relatives, we used this as a way for them came in on the road toward heaven, I hope they will be well all the way, when they look back at the earth, will see tens of thousands of their compatriots hand-foot - , Look up to the sky pray for them, so they will not be alone, not lonely。


中国历史文化英语演讲稿 两分钟

沧海桑田,中华民族走过悠悠五千年,而在这历史长河里,黄河岸边迸发出智慧的火 花,那便是我所欣赏的中国文化。

  作为文明古国的重要象征,语言文字是一个民族的精神,汉语以其生生不息的生命力 流传了几千年而未衰亡,这种强大的生命力早已被世人所折服为四大古文明。

埃及的文化早 在尼罗河水的泛滥和英国的殖民中泡的失去颜色;灿烂的古巴比伦文明在风沙的肆虐中成了 废墟;而强人的玛雅文明,如今人们只能在亚马逊原始丛林的遗址里想象它曾经拥有的辉煌。



她是 根植与民族灵魂与血液间的文化符号。

试想,倘若没有汉语,又怎么会有达则兼济天下,穷 则独善其身的持节;乂怎么会有非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以只致远的高志;乂怎么会有人 生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青爱国热情



修身、齐家、治国作为中华 美德的三个方面是不可不谈的,而作为高中生的我们则更应注重修身之所在。

令我感触最深 的便是刚经历的军训生活。

大家一定还记得那篇军训R志里所说的那句话:当我看到站在我 前面的男生,汗水从指尖滑落,才发现地上早已是一滩积水的时候,我被感动着,同时也告 诉_己不能放弃大家一定也还记得去食堂打饭时,男生谦让着让女生排到自己的前方,同学 们即使遇到不喜欢吃的饭菜也+曾浪费,大家更不会忘记对宿管阿姨的一声声问候,一句句 感谢真的,90后的学子们正是用自己的实际行动诠释着温、良、恭、俭、让的中华美德, 也正是我们自己将这看似古老却终将永恒的中平美德传承了下来。

  屮国文化承载的不仅是祖先对生命的体验和感悟,更是屮华民族永垂不朽的精神财  中闻文化是神秘的,是古老的,是丰富的。

我们应该为中华文化流传至今而感到自豪,  也该为传承中华文化而献出自己的一份力。

中国文化博大精深,今天所讲的只是其中的一小 部分,但也正因为她的广博才让我欣赏她,并由衷的热爱她。

最后,我也要呼吁同学们一起 关注屮国文化,将屮华民族的文明继续传承下去,只有这样,屮国文化这坛承传了千年的佳 酿,才会越陈越香


Ladies and gentlemen: The young generation is always the main part of the society with thier knowledge,ability and enthusiasum.From the great Olympic Games,we can see the hospitality,wisdom and contribution of the volunteers.The college students always reflect the background of the social development and existing problems as well.No matter it is good or not,we know that college students have played very important part in the science and technology innovation. Without the young,we will not be engetic;without the young,we will not have development.That is why Chairman Mao used to say,The world is ours,and yours,too.But after all,it is yours!YOu are just like the rising sun in the east. From the young, we have hope and we have tomorrow.Thank you all.


弘扬中神演讲稿  中国精神激励着一代又一华儿女为祖国发展繁荣而不懈奋斗。






并蒂的花儿竞相开放,比翼的鸟儿展翅飞翔,迎着那长征路上战斗的风雨,为祖国贡献出青春和理想”  我们中华民族有着五千多年的悠久历史和灿烂的文化。











