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适合七年级的英语读后感 《象人>

the elephone man: the story was written by Vicry in America. it's about a freak who was named Joseph Maric ,he was half elephone and half naked. He had works in a freak show,but he's a innocent monster,and he loved the other nomal human. Although,the nomal human were all hate him ,laughing at him,beating him. Unbeliveable,yah had thought he shall slaied everybody in this story for revenge,and became a powerful demon.


The Elephant Man is a story about a ugly man named Joseph Merrick written by Tim Vicary.Joseph Merrick was a person who was so ugly that others either laughed at him or were afraid of him.So he was not ill but he couldn't go to work either.But he was very happy in the last three years of his life.Where was his happiness from?He always kept the beautiful things in his mind.Even when he was kept in the cold and dark little room,he took his mother's picture with him because her mother was beautiful ,kind and the most important she smiled to him when he was a child.He was satisfied with what he have.Though he was so unfortunate,he never complained about the life and the fate.When some peole went to see him,he talked about the books with them happily.So more and more people were willing to visit him.It is not the appearence but the inside of one's charactor that desides weither he can live a happy life.


The Elephant Man is a story about a ugly man named Joseph Merrick written by Tim Vicary.Joseph Merrick was a person who was so ugly that others either laughed at him or were afraid of him.So he was not ill but he couldn't go to work either.But he was very happy in the last three years of his life.Where was his happiness from? He always kept the beautiful things in his mind.Even when he was kept in the cold and dark little room,he took his mother's picture with him because her mother was beautiful ,kind and the most important she smiled to him when he was a child. He was satisfied with what he have.Though he was so unfortunate,he never complained about the life and the fate.When some peole went to see him,he talked about the books with them happily.So more and more people were willing to visit him. It is not the appearence but the inside of one's charactor that desides weither he can live a happy life


初看《象人》的时候,一是自己惯来对黑白色的偏爱,二是冲着导演大卫·林奇(David Lynch)的名字,这次的《象人》,大卫·林奇1980年的处女作,让我哭了。















当我开始搜寻更多关于象人的资料的时候,我搜寻到了Joseph Merrick的故事。

《象人》就是根据Joseph Merrick的真实经历改变而成。





Joseph Merrick曾亲手用纸板做了一座教堂,华美易碎。

Joseph Merrick说:“如果不是这样,或许我能更好的取悦你,取悦这个世界…….如果我能……如果你能用一个人的灵魂来衡量他的价值……影片最后是重回开头的抽象和虚幻,因为在现实社会中我们并不能得到解答。

一个声音说,那是象人死去的母亲,她说:nothing will die。

谁能告诉我书虫的《象人the elephant man》读后感100单词,快,急用




英语读后感啊~~ 牛津的书虫系列~



鲁宾逊漂流记Reading Lubin Sun Crusoe Feelings Lubin Sun Crusoe is the British author Daniel Defoe wrote a novel. The story is about a person called Lubin Sun in the sea voyage, while the event of high winds, the people on board were killed, and only he survived, and drift to a desert island. He used 28 of the time, with their hard-working hands to create for themselves a life of their homes, and to his courage and perseverance to overcome various difficulties. After the finish, I feel with Lubin Sun is very small compared with ah! In a desolate and uninhabited island life, already difficult enough, but, Lubin Sun is also available at all times to beware of Savage to attack him. If we do not self-protection awareness, it is very difficult, as Lubin Sun, life on the island in 28 years even to the safe return to Britain. Thus, self-protection awareness of the people, how important it is to ah! General Napoleon once said: many people can not rely on, only to survive on their own. Similarly, if we always have too many rely on their friends, parents of these people, when we have to survive independently, Will not be able to adapt to all this. But if the contrary, we usually on the life of their own independence, then, we encountered some unexpected things will be able to separate the face and heavy to calm attitude to resolve it. We now live in the times, not necessarily the same as the Sun Lubin, drifting to a desert island, but our life and will not be plain sailing, and sometimes may also encounter some dangerous things. But only if we know how to take the right measures, we will escape from the danger out. 爱丽丝漫游奇境记Paper, Alice, has a bright fairy tales, lively and innocent, like fantasy, love brains, full of curiosity. No ghost of a trace of her a kind of innocence. It is this innocence, before starting to read this story in another interesting, very exciting. This book everything is so strange interesting. The people there speak unpredictable, those enable Alice ate or drank the water can change into small, small cakes and large mushrooms. Paper fantasy adventure, cute characters, vivid language brings us to the beautiful world of fantasy, adventure, together with Alice. This fairy tale all this after 100 years later in children's literature is still in bloom splendor reasons. And that kind of cute little hero is one of the pearl. She may not be very smart, but she has a pure love of a gosling are polite. Coupled with her luminous eyes, a vivid images leap off the paper girl. 文中的爱丽丝,有着一颗灿烂的童心,活泼天真,喜欢幻想,爱动脑筋,充满好奇心。















