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Wanderseveryfivemiles 6人话剧剧本  焦仲卿Johnny(Jforshort)刘兰芝Lunch(Lforshort)  焦母Johnny’smother(JMforshort)刘母Lunch’smother(LMforshort)  太守之子Mayor’sson(MSforshort)强盗Burglars(ABandC)  Prologue  (J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪)  J:EverybodysaysthatI’mhenpecked,butinfact,I’masstrongasatiger,(小声)whilemy  wifeisWuSong.  (指着上台处的门大声道)I’mnotafraidofyou!  (内砸出一脸盆,J接住当成盾牌护着头)Then,I’mafraidofwhom?  MywifeLunchisthemostfamouswomanintheneighbor-hood.Sheisbraverthanme,  smarterthanmeandstrongerthanme.AllthisIdonotcare.Ionlywanthertobetender  thanme.Butsheisnot!Havingawifelikethisisjustlikelivinginthehell!  (内又砸出一卷纸筒,击中J)  MyGod!Whocanhelpme?(下)  Act1  (序幕结束时,JM作窃听状)  JM(拄拐棍上):Ican!  (对门内)Lunch!Lunch!Whereareyou?  L(扎着围裙,拿着锅铲,从门内跳出来):I’mhere!What’supmum?  JM:I’vetoldyouagainandagainthatyoushouldcallme“mymostbeautifulgracefuland  dearestmother-in-law”.  L:OK.Mymostbeautifulgracefulanddearestmother-in-law,what’sup?  JM:Sinceyoumarriedmysonyouhavebehavedsobadly.Youhavebeensorude,sobrusque,so  lazy……  L:But……  JM:Neverinterruptme!  L:Neverinterruptme!SinceImarriedyourson,thatterribleJohnny,Ihavebeenworkinghardall  daylong,cookingandwashing.Ihaveraisedtensofthousandsofpigsandducksandchicken  and……  JM:Butallthoseyouhavedonearenotasvaluableasagrandson!  L(生气地挥动着锅铲):Oh,youwantagrandson,don’tyou?(开始解围裙)Goandaskyour  son.I’mleaving!(扯下围裙,扔在JM的脸上,下)  Act2  (LM坐在台上打毛线,L拿着锅铲上)  L:Mum,I’mback!  LM:Youareback?Why?Whathappened?  L:Iwaskickedoutbymymostbeautifulgracefulanddearestmother–in-law.  LM(惊讶,但随即露出幸灾乐祸的神情):See!Ihavealreadytoldyou!Whenyouinsistedon  marryingthatterribleJohnny,Itoldyouthatheisuglystupidandpoor,butyoudidnotlisten  tome.Lookatyourself……  L:But,mum……  LM:Neverinterruptme!  L:Mum,I’mnotinterruptingyou.IjustwanttotellyouthatyouarealwaysrightOK?And  I’llmarrywhomeveryouwantmeto.  LM(大喜):Nicegirl!Justnow,Imetthemayor’ssoninthemarket.Hesaid:“Ifyoudaughter  Haven’tbeenmarried,Ireallyreallywanttomarryher!”Nowyouarefreeagain,I’llgo  andtellhim.(下)  L(惊愕):What?Themayor’sson?Themostfamousplayboyintheneighbor-hood?(手中的锅  铲掉在地上)WhatasillythingIhavedone!(下)  Act3  (J睡眼惺忪上)  J(边走边道):Lunch!Lunch!Wherearemysocks?  (走了几步,在地上捡起袜子)Heretheyare!(闻一下) Er!Howsmelly!Theyarestilldirty!  (突然想起)Lunchhasgone!Ihavetowashthemmyself.  (他的肚子似乎咕咕叫了起来)Oh,I’msohungry!Butthere’snobreakfast!(捡起地上的围  裙)ThisiswhatLunchalwayswears!Imisshersomuch,andherexcellentcookingskill!Now  shehasgone.Ihavetocookformymotherandmyself.  JM(上):Where’smybreakfast?Where’sLunch?Hasn’tshegotupyet?  J:Mum,can’tyouremember?Lunchhasgone!  JM(沉吟片刻):Well,totellyouthetruthJohnny,asonwithoutawifeisuseless.Lunchisanice  girl,goandtakeherback!  J(立正敬礼):Yesmadam!  Act4  (J开心地走着,忽然跳出来三个强盗)  A:Heyyou!Stopandlistentous!  Theroadisbuiltbyme!(抬脚重重地踩在一块大石头上)  B:AndIplantedonetree!(亦抬脚踩在同一块石头上)  C:Ifyouwanttogobythisstreet---(欲踩石头,但踩到了A的脚)  AB&C:Giveusallyourmoney!  J(搜遍了每一个口袋,掏出1角硬币):Is1maoenough?  (三强盗晕倒状,接着三人聚在一边商量)  A:Whatbadluck!Thisguyisbroken!  B:Ifwecannotrobanymoneytoday,wewillhavenothingtoeattonight!  C:Iheardthatthemayor’ssonisgoingtomarryMissLiuLanzhinextmonth.WEcangoand  robthewedding!  A&B:Goodidea!  J(惊讶):What?What?Lunchisgoingtogetmarried?It’simpossible!  AB&C:Why?Aprettygirlandarichman,whatagoodcouple!  J:ButLunchismywife!Wehaven’tgotdivorcedyet!  (突然有了主意)I’vegotanidea!Youaregoingtorobthewedding,don’tyou?I’llgo  withyou.YoutakethemoneyandItakethebride.  B:Haveyougotanyexperience?  J:No.ButI’vegotthis!(J脱下鞋子从里面摸出一张支票,上书$1,000,000)  Act5  (转眼已到了婚礼之期.MS意气风发用红绸牵着新娘上,J盖着红盖头极不情愿地被拉上台)  (J和三强盗跃至台中)  ABC&J:Heyyou!Stopandlistentous!  A:Theroadisbuiltbyme!  B:AndIplantedonetree.  C:Ifyouwanttogobythisstreet---  J:Giveusallyourmoney!  (L听到J的声音,掀起了盖头)  L(惊喜万分):Johnny!(不顾一切地飞奔到J的身边并躲到了的身后)  (MS大怒,挥拳向J打来.J矮身一躲,MS打中了J身后的L,L晕倒)  J(火冒三丈):Howdareyoubeatmywife!(挥拳向MS冲去)  (J与MS混战,JM上,以拐杖击晕MS)  (J将MS胸前的新郎标志扯下戴在自己胸前)  J(扶起L,关切地问):Honey,howareyou?  L(哭状):Ihurtalot!  J:Don’tcrybaby.I’llgoandfetchthemedicine. (下)  L(起身去追):Waitforme! (跑下)  (音乐起 CanYouCelebrate)

求推荐英语话剧有关爱情的 有剧本最好了

英语话剧有关爱情的当然首推罗密欧与朱丽叶,剧本的话这里有 希望能帮到你。


相声《我的大学生活词: 郭:回到北大我很高我也北大的,我是北京大 徐(唱):你是否会想起,昨天你写的日记 郭:来捣乱的了 徐(唱):明天你是否还惦记,曾经最爱哭的你 郭:小时候挺脆弱 徐(唱):老师们都已想不起,曾经最爱哭的你 郭:是 爱哭 说了 徐(唱):我也是偶然翻相片,才想起同桌的你 郭:一块坐着 徐(唱):谁娶了多愁善感的你 郭:一惊一乍的真受不了 徐(唱):谁看了你的日记 郭:偷看日记我告他去 徐(唱):谁把你的长发盘起 郭:这个眼神当不了歌星 徐(唱):谁给你做的嫁衣 郭:我自个儿买的 徐:大学生活,就这样,远去了 郭:谁都有毕业的一天 徐:你也远去了 郭:我离疯子远点 徐:我多怀念,你的秀发,拂过我胸口的感觉 郭:我扎死你 徐:我多怀念,在无人的校园里,你让我背你那种情义 郭:就你这小体格 徐:我多想对你说一声 郭:说 徐:我爱你 郭:断臂山

徐:我多想最后一次,吻你 郭:拿个盆来我要吐 徐:你干吗呢

郭:你太恶心了你 徐:我正在做的事情,是对一段时光的追溯 郭:啊 徐:做一份青春的祭奠 郭:祭奠,这词听着挺坦荡的。


徐:我的大学生活 郭:上过大学 徐:祭奠我青春无悔的爱情 郭:说话跟念诗似的 徐:我第一次行走在大学的校园里 郭:原来不让进 徐:那是我来报到 郭:哦头一天 徐:我第一次走在大学校园主路上,看着扑面而来的横幅,心情非常激动 郭:哦 徐:激动得有点颤抖 郭:写的是欢迎新生入学

徐:开展灭鼠运动 郭:那颤抖就对了,这叫大义灭亲 徐:你才耗子呢 郭:这词听着不挨着 徐:就这样我的大学生活开始了 郭:慢慢上吧 徐:在大一的时候,我只有一门心思 郭:干吗 徐:学习 郭:就是上课呗 徐:我这个学习是受我们宿舍老大影响的, 郭:哦,老大很喜欢上学

徐:苦心学术 郭:好学生还是多的 徐:非常爱学习 郭:那有个好成绩 徐:以至于他的生活中完全都是学术用语 郭:那可了不得了 徐:有一次眼睛不好,上校医院看病:大夫啊,我这个眼睛啊,这个光线投射到物体上面,再反射到我的 瞳仁上面的时候,总是在这个物体的本体旁边产生一个对等的像 郭:挺复杂 徐:而且这个像和这个本体并不是分离的, 郭:好 徐:而是呈现一种交集的现象 郭:嗯嗯嗯 徐:大夫想了半天:你看东西重影是吗

对对对对 郭:我要是这个大夫非打起来不可 徐:大夫的概括能力很强嘛 郭:这叫概括能力,中国人都这么说 徐:我就是受我们宿舍老大的影响 郭:没听出你说话像他呀 徐:我好学习 郭:是是是 徐:我上午学下午学晚上学,吃饭学睡觉学做着梦都学呀 郭:嘿,瞧瞧人家,这成绩不错呀 徐:不怎么样。

可惜的是,一到大二,我的兴趣转移了 郭:啊


徐:那大一就是高四呀, 郭:对对 徐:大二了谁还好好学呀 郭:哦,这你给我讲讲,我也没上过学不老清楚的 徐:我喜欢体育 郭:嘿,有一好身体 徐:这是受到我们宿舍老二的影响 郭:老大他兄弟 徐:嗯

郭:哥俩能跑到一块儿不易 徐:他是北京人, 郭:哦 徐:北京人,就住那个平安大道 郭:我知道 徐:北京四中知道吗

郭:我知道 徐:北京四中操场对面 郭:我在那个门口买过冰棍儿吃 徐:就住那 郭:好 徐:每个周末他都回去看球去 郭:嗯 徐:他球迷,我们一屋子都是球迷, 郭:是啊 徐:可是我们宿舍里没有电视呀 郭:呵

这宿舍日子苦点 徐:他一回来跟我们讲球,馋得我们呀,难受啊 郭:就是 徐:那天我一回去,看他正坐在宿舍,大马金刀往那一坐 郭:怎么着 徐:正侃呢:哎哟那中卫太好了,左脚一扣右脚一带啪一转身,连过俩前锋啊

郭:你瞧 徐:唰一脚传给中场 郭:嗯嗯嗯 徐:我一听,这是什么球


郭:不会 徐:英超

郭:未必 徐:昨儿没球啊 郭:就说啊 徐:赶紧听听吧。

郭:听人说呗 徐:还在那侃呢:嚯,中场这人也强啊,一个斜传直插,边前卫拍马杀到,啪一趟,越过了底线。


徐:直接发角球,这角球发得又高又飘,前锋赶到,当一脑袋 郭:球就进了吧 徐:没有 郭:怎么呢 徐:让守门员给封出去了 郭:你瞧瞧 徐:封出去了没关系呀,没封多远 郭:嗯嗯 徐:还落咱们前锋脚底下,人家左脚一扣右脚当就是一脚,世界波呀 郭:我的天,您等会儿您等会儿您等会儿,世界波

徐:世界波呀 郭:哦,您给解释一下这个 徐:就是世界上的人都踢不了这么好看的弧线,呵

郭:哎呀这么大的能耐 徐:世界波呀,当就是一脚,打门柱上了 郭:怎么弄啊这个

接着再来 徐:又到他脚下 郭:嗯有的是工夫 徐:左盘右带,盘过守门员啊 郭:嗯 徐:空门啊

郭:嗯,您瞧瞧 徐:抬脚就进了 郭:使这么大的劲 徐:可惜他没射呀 郭:怎么呢 徐:唉,一打上课铃啊,他们就不玩了 郭:哎呀,初中生踢球啊 徐:反正我是很受他的影响 郭:您这一脑门子汗看着够卖力气的 徐:我是上午踢下午踢晚上还踢, 郭:那落一好身体呗 徐:没有,到大三我的兴趣又转移了 郭:嚯,又转了,这回喜欢什么了

徐:大三啊,我的情窦初开 郭:我知道,开始喜欢男的了 徐:像话吗

开始喜欢男的像话吗 郭:都大三了才情窦初开,你要说想换换口儿我倒相信 徐:那我以前,我也曾经喜欢过女的 郭:后来喜欢男的了 徐:不是,我原来喜欢女的 郭:现在喜欢男的 徐:你别绕得我行不行

我原来喜欢女的,但是没有追求过 郭:嗯嗯嗯 徐:到大三,我敢于追求女同学啦 郭:这是多大的事啊 徐:受我们宿舍老三的影响 郭:哦 老二他兄弟 徐:怎么全是兄弟

郭:老大老二老三,哥儿仨一块儿考进来不易 徐:我们是一个宿舍 郭:哦,论着这么来的 徐:都是干兄弟 郭:嗬你瞧瞧,一点水都没有 徐:情圣啊 郭:情愿剩下的,不老露脸的 徐:谈恋爱,情圣,那年他二十一,他都让二十八个女的甩了 郭:这比我强,我那年搞了十个黄了二十多个 徐:他有很多经验啊 郭:向人家学学 徐:就是啊。

我爱上了一个中文系的女生 郭:多大岁数 徐:非常美丽 郭:漂亮 徐:二十多岁 郭:你看看 徐:可是我就是啊,不敢跟她说话 郭:你得壮起胆来 徐:当时我们三哥教给我了 郭:怎么说的 徐:这个东西你没我有经验 郭:哎,跟人家学学 徐:跟女生你得搭讪,懂吗


郭:对,翻译成中国话这叫勾搭 徐:反正就这意思吧 郭:嗯 徐:你不认识你怎么问人家呀 郭:找话 徐:跟我学呀 郭:跟他学吧 徐:她走前面你走后面呀 郭:诶 徐:你看没人的时候 郭:嗯 徐:你找点东西,你就身上没东西,你随便从地上捡点东西,过去问她:同学这是你掉的吗

郭:这是个办法啊 徐:不就认识了吗

郭:好主意 徐:好主意呀 郭:嗯 徐:我在三教旁边遇见了她 郭:开始了 徐:她在前边走 郭:嗯 徐:我在后边跟着 郭:那是 徐:我对自己说:平静一下 郭:冷静 徐:勇气,拿出勇气来

郭:多拿点出来 徐:要拿出勇气来呀



徐:她把砖头抢过去这顿拍我呀 郭:对,这学生后来出家叫鲁智深,她还打过一个叫镇关西的同学 徐:没听说过,现在这女生都这样,彪悍,野蛮女友嘛 郭:哦,挺好,这法儿挺灵啊 徐:是挺灵啊,虽然这次没成功,但是自那以后,满校园都是我和女生搭讪的身影 郭:您给介绍一下这勾搭的场景 徐:同学,这把铁锹是你掉的吗

郭:这是铁锹系本科生,对,往死里拍他 徐:同学,这张桌子是你掉的吗

郭:口袋太小装不下,对,呼死他 徐:同学,这个隔离墩是你掉的吗


对,直接写上碑就行了 徐:我不气馁




徐:我被她们很多人打过 郭:谁不打谁遗憾啊 徐:但是我不气馁 郭:这叫没羞没躁


郭:他在化学实验室他也不闲着 徐:她在前边,我顺手拿起一个桌上的试管:同学

郭:说话 徐:没事儿 郭:怎么呢

徐:王水 郭:嚯

下次别在她后头,你上她前头去,搞对象不成只当溜狗了 徐:没有什么下次了,下次就是这样了 郭:哪样啊 徐:同学~~ 郭:那是硫酸泼脸上啦~~ 徐:这把纸钱儿是你掉的吗~~~ 郭:我说闹鬼吧

王水太厉害了,据说连黄金都能弄化了 徐:一直到大四 郭:大四了 徐:我还是唱着我的单身情歌,行走在没有爱情的校园里,并且固执得认为自己是一个宝贝 郭:怎么能是宝贝呢


郭:对对对,这比找一恐龙可难多了 徐:大四马上就要过去了 郭:快毕业了 徐:学分该修的也差不多了 郭:那是 徐:工作大家都没什么着落 郭:哟 徐:压力很大 郭:也着急 徐:还有一两科没过 郭:不算多 徐:大家也不去上课了,有很多自己的事情了。

老师不干了 郭:怎么呢 徐:点名啊下次

郭:对 徐:那天早晨,我睡得迷迷糊糊的,有人把我扒拉醒了:哎哎起来起来,哥们,今儿我得面试去,点名帮 我答应一声 郭:怎么还得面试去呀 徐:找工作呀 郭:哦 徐:压力很大 郭:就是 徐:哎哎哥们哥们,我那班儿我昨儿刚上的今儿我不能请假 郭:对 徐:你帮我答应一下 郭:这个你也得替他 徐:哎哥们哥们,我上班儿去啊不能请假,帮我答应一下啊 郭:对,这宿舍除了你都有事干 徐:德亮啊,其实在本体论形而上学上说 郭:这人我知道,刚说过一遍了 徐:我是想去上课的 郭:可以理解 徐:但是昨天,在十二个或者十三个小时之前 郭:多精确 徐:啊,就是我进食的时候 郭:吃饭的时候 徐:就是我用水和蛋白质补充养料的时候 郭:说得太细致了 徐:有一股气体顺着口腔一直到了腹腔 郭:别在外边吃饭 徐:以至于今天晚上,我我我我我,我的小腹偏下部,有着一阵一阵的,类似阵痛一样的感觉,今天早上起来,这种感觉越来越明显,越来…………拉去


听他说话有点恶心 徐:我昨天晚上也很晚没睡 郭:你也拉去

徐:写简历呢 郭:写简历

徐:找工作啊 郭:压力很大 徐:对,我睡得迷迷糊糊的,我说行行行,我帮你们答 郭:替他们去应名去 徐:来到教室里,往这一坐,上眼皮开始打下眼皮 郭:一宿没睡呀 徐:闭着眼睛,晕晕乎乎的就听老师点名:徐德亮

郭:叫他 徐:到

郭:得答应啊 徐:张三


到~~ 郭:呀 徐:王五

到~~~ 郭:这宫里来人了这是。

等会儿吧,怎么还声音忽高忽低呀 徐:怕老师听出来呀 郭:模仿别人的声音 徐:那当然了 郭:真是个天才呀 徐:老师说:徐德亮

郭:诶 徐:到~你干吗呢


郭:就是啊 徐:你睁眼看看

我一睁眼,哟,今儿班里就来俩人儿 郭:你要学出仨人的声音都算失败 徐:一转眼,七月了 郭:七月,快毕业了 徐:同学们就要各奔前程了 郭:哪来的回哪去 徐:兄弟们就要分开了。

唉,(唱)朋友一生一起走 郭:又唱上了 徐(唱):那些日子不再有,一句话,一辈子,一生情一杯酒。

老大去了广州,老二去了美国,老三去了上海,老四去了浙江 郭:哪儿的都有 徐:老五去了黑龙江。





没毕业 徐:什么叫没毕业

郭:你留下来的呀 徐:他们愣说我那英语,没毕业,没过 郭:哦,英语,这个挺难为人 徐:一级没过 郭:嗯,这稍微难点 徐:我又不是钳工我考级干吗呀 郭:对,我同情你,我当初考曲艺团也因为英语没进去 徐:后来他们挺后悔的…… 郭:说你的别废话


这是在北大不要瞎说,我都搂着何况你乎 郭:毕业了人都走了把你留下了 徐:幸好啊,还有考试, 郭:还有考试


郭:嗬你瞧瞧 徐:补考我也过不了啊 郭:不能

徐:过不了啊 郭:为什么呀 徐:我找工作呀 郭:还得忙着上班去 徐:哪有心思学习呀 郭:就顾着说相声了 徐:没关系没关系

我有办法 郭:有什么办法


郭:你打算偷什么去啊 徐:偷什么干吗

我按着我准考证,看好了那张桌子,密密麻麻在桌子上刻字儿啊 郭:得亏你有这手艺呀,毕不了业出去刻戳子也能赚钱 徐:蝇头小楷


徐:都是英文啊 郭:我的天哪 徐:密密麻麻所有需用的句型单词,密密麻麻一桌子,嗬

乍一看那桌子,铺一黑被单儿 郭:好么,墨水使得忒多 徐:往那一坐我一想这回我及格了 郭:了不得了 徐:我能毕业了 郭:就是啊 徐:八点钟忽拉忽拉忽拉同学们都进来了,我一瞧,怎么谁都不认识


徐:正常,补考啊,哪个系的都有啊 郭:对,保不齐有别的 徐:嗯


他们走过我桌子的时候,都用非常钦佩的眼神看着我 郭:这帮也没见过什么。

瞧瞧你 徐:心说,嘿嘿,下手晚了吧 郭:别咧嘴 徐:你不及格活该

郭:打死你都不多 徐:有这我及格了

郭:倒霉模样 徐:老师发下卷子来我一看 郭:怎么样




郭:206啊 徐:考英语您怎么发日语

您进错屋了吧,你们都进错屋了吧 郭:都错了 徐:你们都进错屋了吧

郭:哎 徐:老师说你拿来我看看,同学,你的准考证是三教206,这是一教206。



郭:你出去刻戳子去呀 徐:要不我跟这考日语



郭:可说是呢 徐:这可怎么办呀 郭:怎么办呢 徐:这样


徐:明知山有虎 郭:好










\ \ 灰姑娘


给你推荐一个我超爱的哦~~A girl and a boy were on a motorcycle, speeding through the night. They loved each other a lot.girl: slow down a little.. i’m scared.. boy: no, it’s so fun.. girl: please...it’s so scary.. boy: then say that you love me.. girl: fine..ilove you..can you slow down now boy: give me a big hug.. the girl gave him a big hug. girl: now can you slow down boy: can you take off my helmet and put it on, it’s uncomfortable and it’s bothering me while i drive. Then next day, there was a story in the newspaper, a motorcycle had crashed into a building because its brakes were broken. There were two people on the motorcycle, of which one died, and the other had survived... The guy knew that the brakes were broken. He didn’t want to let the girl now, because he knew that the girl would have gotten scared. Instead, he was told the last time that she loved him, got a hug from her, put his helmet on her so that she can live, and die himself... Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale...译; 一天夜里,男孩骑摩托车带着女孩超速行驶 他们彼此深爱着对方 女孩:“慢一点...我怕...” 男孩:“不,这样很有趣....” 女孩:“求求你...这样太吓人了...” 男孩:“好吧,那你说你爱我...” 女孩:“好....我爱你...你现在可以慢下来了吗

” 男孩:“紧紧抱我一下...” 女孩紧紧拥抱了他一下 女孩:“现在你可以慢下来了吧

” 男孩:“你可以脱下我的头盔并自己戴上吗


” 第二天,报纸报道:一辆摩托车因为刹车失灵而撞毁在一幢建筑物上 车上有两个人,一个死亡,一个幸存... 驾车的男孩知道刹车失灵,但他没有让女孩知道,因为那样会让女孩感到害怕。



Zeng xiaoxian: Now is the midnight ,12 o 'clock, welcome to my  listening shows: 'your moon ,and my heart'. Good man is me, I am zengxiaoxian. If you have any interesting things, fell free to dial the number: 8008208820, then turn 2 key--press. Today xiaoxian will talk the hypertension with everybody. So~~,what is the hypertension ? Hypertension is ···  :现在是夜里12点,欢迎大家收听节目:你的月亮我的心。




那么,什么是高血压呢?高血压就是······  Hu yifei:I know,I know ,Hypertension is a condition in which the  blood pressure, on at least two or more readings on different dates after an initial screening ,is found to be higher than normal  (Hang up and secretly say :teacher zeng forgot the lines, ha ha  ~ but only one of the pieces, I don't know where other pieces.)  (电话打入):高血压我知道,是血压在正常情况下高于正常值。

(挂电话,偷偷地说:  曾老师台词忘带了,哈哈~不过只有一张了,其它可不知道哪去了)  Zeng xiaoxian(helpless ): yifei, you are very very clever! The next,  we'll talk about ···  (Telephone rings again )  What's wrong again? My broadcasting rating is so high,you  should not always call in.yifei~! please~  (无奈):一菲,你真是聪明啊!那接下来我们来谈谈······ (电话又响)  又怎么了?我节目收听率这么高,不要总占别人线啊,一菲!  Hu yifei: No ,no···,It is urgent ! ziqiao broke up with Lisa rong,  he···  :不是啊,有急事啊!子乔刚和分手了,他······  Zeng xiaoxian:Oh~! No~no~What should I do? I cannot be  promoted! I must talk to ziqiao about it! Ziqiao you can't ~can't~  Zhan bo: I ,qie~ I am zhan bo!  展博:我,切、、我是展博。

  (Mei jia kicked Lv ziqiao )  (美嘉踢一脚)  Mr.Zeng: He had blurred vision and lightheaded. This is a symptom of hypertension.  曾小贤:他视力模糊,还头重脚轻,高血压的症状之一  Hu Yifei: Ziqiao, are you pretending? Do you want to take advantage of our sympathy for you ? (捶~~~)  :子乔,你不会是装的吧,想乘机利用我们对你好? (捶他一下)  Lv Ziqiao: Yifei, shit! I have severe chest pain ! Actually, you pounded me !  :一菲,你有病啊?我得厉害,你还捶?!  Zeng Xiaoxian: He has the stethalgia, this is the symptom of hypertension too. Haha~, I am a practitioner. I can diagnose.  曾小贤:他,这也是高血压的症状,哈哈,我是名医了!我会诊断病了~  Lv Ziqiao: Mr.Zeng, are you an earth man ? I am dying because of hurt  :曾老师,你还是不是人啊?我都快疼死了~  Zeng Xiaoxian: Ah, yeah, Zhanbo, Meijia, Yifei, massage his chest immediately!  曾小贤:哦,对,展博、美嘉、一菲,快给他按摩按摩胸部,先暂时减轻痛苦。

  曾小贤:不···不是吧?那我怎么办啊!我的事业也会被断送啊! 让我和子乔说说,不能阿不能阿······  Mei jia:(Grabbed the phone )You have no chance,He seems a  little dizzy. Today you are talking about the ill, are not you ?Save him quickly !  美嘉(抢过电话):没机会了,他好像有点晕。

你今天不是讲病吗?快点救救他吧~  Zeng xiaoxian:Well, okay, let him speak .  曾小贤:好, 好吧,让他讲话。

  Lv ziqiao:zeng zeng teacher,I broke up ,ah~~~~~~~(He is going to  fall, zhan bo holds him)  Mei , mei jia, you also have breast?  吕子乔:曾, 曾老师,我分手了,啊······(要晕倒) (被展博扶住) 美、美嘉,你有胸啦!?  Zhan bo: I ,qie~ I am zhan bo!  展博:我,切、、我是展博。

  (Mei jia kicked Lv ziqiao )  (美嘉踢吕子乔一脚)  Mr.Zeng: He had blurred vision and lightheaded. This is a symptom of hypertension.  曾小贤:他视力模糊,还头重脚轻,高血压的症状之一  Hu Yifei: Ziqiao, are you pretending? Do you want to take advantage of our sympathy for you ? (捶~~~)  胡一菲:子乔,你不会是装的吧,想乘机利用我们对你好? (捶他一下)  Lv Ziqiao: Yifei, shit! I have severe chest pain ! Actually, you pounded me !  吕子乔:一菲,你有病啊?我得厉害,你还捶?!  Zeng Xiaoxian: He has the stethalgia, this is the symptom of hypertension too. Haha~, I am a practitioner. I can diagnose.  曾小贤:他胸痛,这也是高血压的症状,哈哈,我是名医了!我会诊断病了~  Lv Ziqiao: Mr.Zeng, are you an earth man ? I am dying because of hurt  吕子乔:曾老师,你还是不是人啊?我都快疼死了~  Zeng Xiaoxian: Ah, yeah, Zhanbo, Meijia, Yifei, massage his chest immediately!  曾小贤:哦,对,展博、美嘉、一菲,快给他按摩按摩胸部,先暂时减轻痛苦。

  (They massaged him in a mess.)  (众人对他进行一番乱按摩)  Zhanbo: Ah~~~Mr.Zeng, he has the bloody nose.  展博:啊~~曾老师,他了~  (They crowded, looking. Yeah, just nosebleed, Lv Xiaobu's blood.)  (众人拥上,看了半天,“恩,果然是鼻血,的血”)  (Turning their head, Ziqiao is missing. They are seeking. He hided in WC.)  (回头,子乔不见了,众人找,发现在厕所)  Hu Yifei: Mr.Zeng, he hided in WC,unwilling to come out. And he said he has frequent urination.  胡一菲:曾小贤,他在厕所,不肯出来,说自己尿频。

  Zeng Xiaoxian: Ah~~~frequent urination, he is the invisible Man of hypertension. Does he come out?  曾小贤:哇塞~还尿频,看来他是一个高血压的隐形患者啊~~~他出来了吗?  People: No~~~  众人:没有.  zeng:uh-huh, let me ,the master ,educate him when he is in  toilet.Fistly, patients with hypertension must have a low-salt and low-fat diet.  曾小贤:恩哼,趁他在卫生间,让我这个大师来对他进行教育吧~首先,高血压患者要低盐、。

  all:Low-salt and low-fat.  众人:低盐低脂。

  zeng:Pay attention to stress management.  曾小贤:压力调节  all:Only make a girl friend each time.  众人:一次只交一个女朋友。

  zeng:Take food that are rich in minerals, for example, potassium, calcium, magnesium.  曾小贤:多吃含镁、钾、钙等矿物质的食物。

  all:Eat carrot(zhan)、 Chinese cabbage(mei) and shell(fei) everyday.  众人:天天吃胡萝卜(展博)、白菜(美嘉)、贝壳(一菲)  zeng:More exercise.  曾小贤:多运动  all:Give us your car.  众人:把你的车给我们。

  zeng:Take antihypertensive medications daily.  曾小贤:天天服用降压药  all:The medicines are close to the mouth.  众人:药不离嘴  (ziqiao coming back from the toilet)  (子乔从厕所里出来)  ziqiao:I feel bad.My blood presure is rather, rather, high.I'm going to die.Give some money to me, I will go to hospital.  吕子乔:我不太对劲,我有高血压,我要死了!你们那点钱给我吧,我要去医院。

  (all feel panic then take out money to ziqiao)  (众人惊慌,纷纷取出钱给子乔)  ziqiao:I needn't pay back the money spending on the disease to you,do I ?  (众人愣住了,去厕所一看,发现了曾小贤落下的台词)  (all are dumbfounded ,then they go to see the toilet,then find zeng's left pieces of lines )  众人:“他不会看着书生病的吧。

”  all:he's not sick, he just pretend to be weak as zeng xiaoxian's lines.  吕子乔:哈哈,背个高血压的台词就能有这么多钱!哈哈~  ziqiao:ha-ha~~~just recite some hypertension lines can earn so much money ! I'm rich now! Ha~ha~  (众人追出去):还我们钱!  (all run after him):pay back the money!  曾小贤:这个故事告诉我们,学习医学知识真是有用~  zeng:The story tell us , it is really useful to learn the medical knowledge.  吕子乔:我去看病的,这钱你们不要我还吧?  (all shake head)  (众人摇头)  zeng:ziqiao,do you know that which investigations you need and which drug you need buy?  曾小贤:子乔,你知道去医院做哪些检查吃哪些药吗?  ziqiao:Of course. Calcium channel blockers,  angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors , vasodialtors and diuretics ,e.g.  吕子乔:知道~钙离子阻断剂、、血管舒张剂、利尿剂。


)  (with that,he run away.)


slkadfien msdiofj;oie nmasidojflkds lksdnfjiengr nmskijeontler nlskenf nasdiu niewhnf;aasf\\\/'kif,m\\\/n\\\/d dsf lsdkfjiosdflkas kalsd;fjioejfl;akajs, dhfiue hnfkl sjd;aoijeoi lkasjfoiegn as;oieouha sdhfiu ehfkla hsadhf ulihbk ;ajhfuaf 草真 JI BA 费劲


英语话剧 英语小品剧本 -- 孙悟空vs猪八戒 《孔雀东南飞》(英文搞笑话剧) 英语小品剧本 -- 英语剧本买药 英语小品剧本 -- The Pocket Money 英语小剧本-----小红帽 英语小品剧本 -- 貂禅 英语表演剧本--小狮子找食物 英语童话剧:白雪公主<剧本> 还有很多,地址在这里,你自己选吧具体内容




《白雪公主》英语话剧剧本SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人P-白马王子 D-小矮人 音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel. One day, In the king’s palace: ----白雪出场S.w: My name is Snow white , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother ? Where is my mother ? 音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen , I’m very beautiful , Where is Mirror ? Mirror , Mirror on the wall , who’s the most beautiful ?M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you ! Q: Hunter, go kill Snow white .猎 人 出 场H: Yes, my queen音乐起,猎人追赶白雪,公主惊慌出逃 S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please !白雪顺利脱逃后 S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: 1\\\\Look, somebody ate my food----2\\\\Somebody drank my water----3\\\\Someone is sleeping now----4\\\\What a beautiful girl!----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5\\\\How do you do?S.w: How do you do? My name is Snow white … Nice to meet you!D:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----6\\\\ welcome to our house!----7\\\\Would you like to live here?S.W: My pleasure, thank you very much!D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, Snow white.皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall , who’s the most beautiful?M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you!Q: What ? Snow white is not dead ? Hahaha, I got a good idea!音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha… 小矮人出场、围着公主哭Snow white wake up, wake up…音乐起,小矮人引着王子出场P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen!王子唤醒公主,公主醒了P:Wake up ! Wake up , my queen !S.w: Thank you for your help !P: My pleasure !音乐起,小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞罗密欧与朱丽叶Romeo and Julia  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene I( Julia and Romeo are classmates. Julia has liked Romeo for a long time. Today, Julia determines to show her feelings to Romeo. He passes by Betty and Clover. Allen and Julia are waiting for the bus. )Betty & Clover: Wow…so handsome.Julia: Hi, Romeo.Romeo: Hi.Julia: Your clothes fit you well.Romeo: Oh! Thanks. You look charming, too.Julia: Oh! Really? In fact, I ……have something to tell you.Romeo: What is it?Julia: Un ~It’s a little difficult to say. Just…just… (shy!)Romeo: Just what? Julia: Just…I like you!! (determined)(Romeo and Julia stop action)Clover: Oh! My goodness! Do you hear what she said?Betty: Yeah! To my surprise.Clover: Look at her! So fat, so black, and…Betty: And so flat. (point at Julia’s breast)Allen: Yeah….you can say that again. Romeo: (surprised) But I want a thin girl. Julia: Okay! Give me some time. And I’ll show you.  转自.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene II(Julia had a plan of losing weight. First, she went to the famous weight control center. )Angel: Welcome to “Perfect Woman.”Julia: I’d like to talk to your manager.Angle: Please wait a moment.Julia: Okay, thank you.Emma: I’m the manager. May I help you?Julia: I want to become a thin woman in a very short time.Emma: No problem. A lot of people want to get thinner in a short time. You’re not alone. Let Angel show you.(Take a pile of paper. Skim the paper quickly.)Angle: Okay! First, trust me you can make it. Here, we have two programs. The first one includes “aroma oil massage”, “aroma oil treatment” and “acupuncture.” It only costs you 20 thousand dollars.Julia: Oh……Angle: The other is much cheaper. We have “aerobics”, “acupuncture” and “spa.” It’s only 10 thousand dollars.Emma: So which one do you prefer? Trust me, they’ll both made you thin and sexy.Julia: I like both. But I have no money.Emma & Angle: What? (Clap hands twice. And then two strong men come in andthrow Julia out) Two men: Get out of here. (Julia goes to the pharmacy to buy the most popular medicine “Slim Body” )Frank: May I help you? Julia: Do you have this kind of medicine called “Slim Body”? Frank: Of course we do. (Now, Jason comes in at the same time.)Jason: Frank, do you have “Slim Body”? I want to buy more. It makes me lose weight from 150 kilos to 70 kilos.Frank: Wow. Amazing! Here you are!Jason: Thanks. (Go out.)Julia: I want to buy a dozen of it. (After eating “Slim Body”, Julia gets the trots. Julia failed again. Then, she decided to go on a diet.)(In the restaurant)Clerk: Can I take your order?Clover: French fries, chicken and a large cola.Betty: Hamburger, one large milk shake.Allen: Roasted pork and ice cream.Clerk: Anything for you?Julia: Please give me a cup of water and some crackers. (Surprised by Julia’s order, they all turn their heads toward her.)Clerk: That’s all?Julia: Yeah…(Julia looks at Allen, Clover and Betty enjoying their food. And Julia is very hungry. But she can’t eat. She wants to lose weight. Then, she passes out.)Julia: I want to be slim!(A month later)Julia: I’ve become a thin girl. Now I can go to see Romeo. And he’s gonna accept me. Romeo, Romeo…..(Yell...Julia meets Romeo.)Julia: Hi, my dear Romeo. I’ve become a thin girl. Would you be my boyfriend?Romeo: Oh, Julia you look so different now. But I like girls with fair complexion.Julia: Oh, um……Ok, wait for me.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene III( Julia’s friends come visit her, and want to invite Julia to the beach.)Allen: The weather is nice for going out. We want to go to the beach. Would you like to join us?Julia: I’d like to… but it’s too hot. I don’t want to get a tan.Allen: Don’t worry. We won’t spend too much time staying in the sun.Clover: Come on, come on.Carol: Come with us.Julia: Okay…give me a little time to prepare for that.(Few minutes later)Allen: Are you done?Julia & Clover & Carol: Yes, we’re coming.Julia: Oh, I forget something.Allen & Clover & Carol: What? (She comes out with a lot of protections for her face.)(Two months later, Julia has become a girl with a fair complexion. And there are many boys who go after her, but all of them are turned down. Julia decided to show her love to Romeo one more time)Julia: Romeo, my love. I’ve become a thin girl with a fair complexion. Would you accept me?Romeo: Oh, Julia. You look terrific. But……your bosom is not my type.Julia: Oh, um……I know, I know……  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene IV(Julia goes to Korea, and finds the most famous plastic surgeon….)Julia: Doctor, I want to make my bosom bigger.Doctor: What size do you want? Julia: I prefer G cup.Doctor: No problem. We can make it come true.(After the surgery, Julia is more confident than before. And she decide to show her feelings to Romeo for the last time.)Julia: I think I ‘m a perfect woman now. Romeo will be very proud to have me. Romeo, Romeo......Romeo, look at me! Don’t you think I’m the most beautiful woman in the world? You would love to be my sweet heart, wouldn’t you?Romeo: Wow! You’ve become so beautiful. But I can not accept you.Julia: Why? I’ve done so many things for you.Romeo: Because I already have a boyfriend.Julia: Boyfriend?(Allen shows up.)Romeo: Honey~(Allen and Romeo walk away hand in hand.)






