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大家谁有看过holes 这本书

老师要我们写读后感An atmosphere can be fri

my reading responses about the 《Holes》by Louis Sachar I have to say that it is indeed a great works of children's Literature after I spent the shortest time in reading the Holes,and i`d like to talk about my impression for this work by Louis Sachar. First,the name of chinese edition of the holes is “别有洞天”,i reckon it`s not a appropriate name in my opinion,and I said so because chinese people usually use the idiom “别有洞天”to describe the peculiar ,fascinating scenery, which is a entirely different world.the word Holes generally has two meanings in the novel,one meaning is the holes showed throughout the text,which the child laborers in the Green Lake Camp digged on the dry riverbed of the Green Lake everyday, five feet deep, five feet wide;antother meaning is the extended meaning of the holes.Child laborers are digging everyday on the river bed, but none of them is dug for themselves, they lived suffering and dull lives, but nothing could bring them relief ever, Stanley and Zero just dug a hole for themselves ,but that made them find the wealth left by kissin` Kate Barlow. Peple live our daily lives day by day, but perhaps not one day is lived for ourselves , nor for our dreams, we `ve tried so hard to escape the negative ends time and time again , we laugh and sneer at others, making fun of them,but we`ve never done any careful intention of our own future.A hole can become into a burying tomb, yet it can also bring us wealth. Do not dig for others, but do it for ourselves, and no need to dig that many holes ,just one ,you insist on digging and maybe it is the one buried with great wealth.I think that is why Stanley said I guess you have to fill in the rest of the holes yourself.in the end of the text. Neverthless,the translator didn`t understand Louis Sachar`s exquisite design apparently.So,from my view,I think the name 《洞》or《斯坦利的洞》will be better. Second,the Holes is a funny and poignant coming-of-age adventure with quirky and intricate plot.The leading man in the novel,Stanley Yelnats,an unusual young hero,dogged by bad luck stemming from an ancient family curse,made a deep impression on me. The whole article from beginning to end is trying to create an oppressive atmosphere: Yes, that is oppression. Sam and Kate's romance and death is a kind of oppression; digging reform in labor prison is a sort of oppression;racial discrimination is oppressive;Mr. Pendanski discriminated against young criminals; Warden ruled Mr., Sir, and Pendanski and the two men were forced to obey; The weather is oppressive: hot, wet, thirst, irritability · · · · · · all of this people feeled depressed. At the very beginning, the children got into the Green Lake Camp only be required to dig everyday, the purpose of doing so is to shape the personality , but it was not until the Yelnats and Zero came back to the hole where they`ve found Kate`s lipstick and continued digging ,the secret of digging was able to known around the world, and therefore plot made a sharp turn from here, the warden's ambition was exposed;for the juvenile in the camp green Lake ,their fates was finally ushered in a turning point. Stanley and Zero ,two boys destined to meet ,thus finally come together.They finally unlock the secret behind the Green Lake Camp Holes by virtue of the wisdom and courage , Stanley also discharge the winding 150-year-long family curse, the Zero was finally reunited with his long-lost mother, Stanley`s father poured the onions and peaches inadvertently into the pot, but accidentally developed a significant effect of shoes deodorant ——sploosh

In the end Yelnets family and Zero inherited wealth in the case left by Kate Barlow.Good Luck followed, the first half of the section is repression, constant doom, hit by a pair of smelly shoesfall from the sky, also chased by police car, posters on the wall ,Stanley father`s invention on shoes deodorant... ... a series of coincidences became the evidence showed stanley stole the Clyde Livingston`s shoes , and stanley was so ignorant to accept their own judgment, facing his idol `s scorn resulted in nothing but weak rebuttal.After go to the green lake camp. Stanley had been bullied by D`tent`s campmates:Squid、Armpit、ZigZag、Magnet and X-ray .Chubby body gives Stanley also a slight advantage in the body of peers but did not let him get any respect from problem children. At last stanley through his own effortChanged the fate of the whole family and his certainly,the warden as well as her henchmen ,Mr.Sir and Mr. Pendanski were arrested.Stanely also find his own voice to defend himself, she's lying, I did not steal!Finally he was no longer that little yes-boy. Green Lake Camp has also been investigated and taken over, and the Camp Green Lake usher in a heavy rain, the children rejoicing a rain ,cheering,jumping.Since here, an elimination atmosphere and scattered, history can be changed from depression to a crisp bad luck to good luck, before and after makes sharp contrast, the implementation can be described as that dead end but in reality unique character of the whole story of interlocking, and finally filled with the color of comedy and redemption. In the end ,I want to say this novel makes me understand the truth that:the fate is can not be changed, if your fate is really destined, then no matter what you do to change it doesn`t work, if it`s not your fate, you don`t bother to change it.Choosing change the fate deliberately is only a kind of escape, even if you`re destined to accept the continuation of the tragedy of the previous generation, but you still choose to face ,then your fate would be truly changed ever. the children take over and live their own lives, regardless of how suffering and painful , so this is happiness yet.(命运是无法可以改变的,自己真是那个命,怎么改都没有用,不是那就更不用改了,刻意的去改变命运只是一种逃避,即使要延续上一代的悲剧,却依然选择面对,这才是真正的改变命运,孩子能走自己的人生,无论怎样的苦与痛都能活下去,这就是幸福。




第一, 《the holes》的中文为“别有洞天” ,我觉得这个名字很 新颖,让人联想到许多好奇的事物,与路易斯的冒险小说融为一体, 让我感觉棒极了

所以便喜欢上了路易斯的冒险小说,每读一遍都会 感到耳目一新

第二,路易斯所写的《洞》事迄今为止唯一获得纽伯瑞金奖和美 国国家图书奖的儿童文学作品,曾持续154 周居“今日美国”畅销书 排行榜,并成功录入了爱心树文学小说精选呢

这是路易斯在整个文 学界创下的最高的作品,现已编成电影版的《洞》在大家的眼前焕然 一新,使路易斯久久地披上了文学界的桂冠。

第三,路易斯对《洞》的小说情节也十分的用心去完成,其中有 几个片段作者都把任务的神态以及表情动作都写得淋漓尽致, 让人能 够细细的品味其中人物的特点。

我觉得路易斯的写作真是让人赞叹不 已啊


第四, 《洞》这篇文章主要写了男孩们在翠湖营训练挖洞的过程, 其中作者特意的插入了两个情节,分别是<伊莱亚被诅咒>和<凯 特·巴洛的“死亡之吻”>。

这两个故事的背景都发生在几百年的翠 湖镇里,两个故事的结尾都并不愉快,同时也描述着管理员大人沃克 尔的一个完美的阴谋计划—— 整本书为我们讲述着斯坦利和零蛋在翠湖营的冒险之旅,作者的 整体思路也十分清晰,值得家长和学生所看

读完了《洞》这本书后,让我懂得了:我们不要刻意地去迷信诅 咒与幸运,我们活在世上要相信自己的判断力,要自信,要勇敢的面 对生活,就像文中的斯坦利和零蛋一样,与贪婪的管理员大人斗智斗 勇,最后,取得了胜利,离开了翠湖营这个可怕的地方,还把管理员 大人的阴谋摧毁了! 我们一定要勇敢地生活下去



洞Holes出版社:船夫:9780440414803纸 张:胶版纸 页 数:233字 数:不详版 次:1开 本: 印刷次数:1印刷日期:2000\\\/05\\\/01出版日期:1998-12-01推荐总威望:包 装:平装 支持洞Holes: 内容简介 Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with .good-dirty-rotten pig-stealing great- great-grandfather and has since followed genera- tions of Yelnatses. w has been unjustly sent to a boys' detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the boys build character by spending all day, every day, ging holes exactly five feet wide and five feet deep. There is lake at Camp Green Lake. But there are an awful lot of holes.It doesn't take long for to realize there's more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake. The boys are ging holes because the warden is looking for something. But what could be buried under a dried-up lake? Stanley tries to up the truth in t inventive and darkly humorous tale of crime and punishment--and redemption.


In the novel , there is a character who is very fascinating—Erik. People in the Opera House are afraid of him because they think he is a ghost. He kills Joseph because he doesn’t like people taking about him. His outward appearance is horrifying. He has the face of a dead man, no nose, just two black holes in his yellow face. His eyes are black holes sometimes and have a terrible red light. He also sends a letter to the two new directors of the Opera House to ask them never sell tickets for Box 5 and pay him 20, 000 francs a month. But the directors don’t follow the words of the ghost. So Erik sends a second letter to blame the directors and ask them to let Christine sing Faust again instead of La Carlotta. At that night, he makes the chandelier goes down and La Carlotta can’t sing anymore. He is so dangerous that most people afraid him and regard him as a ghost.He is good at singing opera. He is an angle of music. Christine becomes famous because of the guide of him. He takes her through many secret doors and passages, down, down under the Opera House. There is a big lake with black and cold waters. He takes her across the lake in a boat to his house. He just wants Christine to love him and marry him. Christine say “For this minute, I am your wife” and put her arms around Erik’s neck and kiss him slowly and lovingly on his ugly mouth. Then Erik allows Christine run out with her lover Paoul because he just has the feeling of being loved at the first time. He just wants to be loved at all.Finally, Erik dies and Christine marries Paoul. He dies with satisfaction. I like this character because of his sad experience, his talent and his tolerance to Christine. He is an angle! He is an angle who just falls down from the Heaven instead of a ghost!在小说的歌剧< >幻影,有性格的人是非常迷人的埃里克。


























Down the Rabbit Hole是什么意思

课堂连接和读者的评论 我将使用新的作为一类在两周内孔。












我的下一个目标是发展批判性思维技能,使学生将 刺激开始提问,使他们成为一个更加活跃,参与的读者。





这下周我将开始进行小组活动并使用读 - 一个由与Janice沙博纳新方法在1984年出版。





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